Meet Zoe!

Hi, I'm Zoe
Hi! My name is Zoe and I’m on a mission to make as many new curlfriends as possible.
I love my hair, but it took me a while to learn how to. When I was younger, my mom would take me to the beauty shop with her every week. It was always fun to watch the stylists press, stretch and curl the ladies hair.
My mom taught me that my hair is beautiful, and it needs TLC: tender loving care. Since then, I’ve been practicing different styles and ways to take care of my hair. Let’s learn together!
Shop nowHairstyles
You could say I really love hair. It’s how I express myself!
Here are just a few of the hairstyles we can try together.

Positive Representation
Zoe is here to show girls that they are perfect just the way they are. She is designed to represent the beauty in our diversity with an adorably crafted face and beautiful curly locs because no one should feel less than because of the kink of their curl or the color of their skin.
Educational Hair Play
It’s all about the hair! Zoe’s hair is styleable just like your own and gives girls the chance to learn more about caring for their curls by practicing on hers.
Wash, braid, twist. You can do it all on Zoe and then on yourself!

Self Love
Zoe is here to show girls that self-love is the best love. A curlfriend that affirms them, their uniqueness and curl power.
Parents Can
Zoe is the perfect gift that will make you feel great because of the long term impact and investment in your child’s self esteem and creative interests.
Finding products that educate and represent your daughter’s unique beauty doesn’t have to be hard. That’s why we made Zoe. So that children can have a product that makes them feel seen. No one should feel less than because of the kink of their curl or the color of their skin.
When you bring home Zoe, you are helping diversify your child’s world.

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