7-Year-Old Girls Speaking Up and Making Change
First graders learn fundamental topics in elementary school, but these two 7-year-old girls went beyond the curriculum to create change outside of the classroom.
Kamryn wants real pockets!
(Source: New York Post)
7-year-old Kamryn Gardner was learning to write persuasive letters in first grade and saw an opportunity to put her assignment to use. She wrote a letter to Old Navy that reads:
After her request, Old Navy sent her four pairs of jeans with pockets. Not only did Kamryn learn how to write a persuasive essay, but she also stood up for the lack of pocket representation in girl’s jeans. Kamryn shows us that the first step to making change is speaking up and asking.
Morgan wants matching hairstyles with her avatar!
(Source: Williamson source)
Similar to Kamryn, 7-year-old Morgan Bugg used her voice to spearhead change. One day in class, Morgan was using the educational app Freckle. Freckle is an app that allows students to win coins when they complete reading and math activities. When she was creating her profile, she noticed it didn’t have any black girl hairstyles.
Morgan explained how she felt sad and jealous that there weren't any hairstyles for her and “it’s not fair that they have one Black boy hair, but they don’t have any Black girl hair.” The lack of representation pushed Morgan into drawing hairstyles she would like to see and then sending them to the app, so they have examples.
A month later, when Freckle responded to Morgan, they added black girl hairstyles using Morgan’s photos as the base inspiration. Morgan used her voice to speak up, and now every black girl who uses Freckle will feel seen.
We agree with Morgan and Kamryn that representation matters. Opportunities where you can speak up about the disparities and lack of representation can shift the experience for generations after you.
All of Zoe’s curlfriends are cute and intelligent. Like Morgan and Kamryn, Zoe encourages girls worldwide to be the change and defy barriers despite their age.
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