Healthy Roots Dolls donates 300 black dolls for girls in need
This past holiday season was unique. Many families faced physical, emotional, and financial challenges last year. However, Healthy Roots Dolls was still able to spread Christmas joy and magic throughout the season. ✨
Thanks to a sponsorship from Chad and Tenah Dyer, Healthy Roots Dolls donated 300+ dolls to Beverly’s Birthdays. Beverly’s Birthdays provides birthday cheer and critical baby care items for children experiencing homelessness and families in need. Special milestones, like birthdays, are often overlooked because of their families’ personal/financial circumstances. Beverly’s Birthdays enriches the lives of children by making sure they are remembered on their special day.
Megan Yunn, Executive Director and Founder of Beverly’s Birthdays shared “Beverly’s Birthdays is thrilled to have received a donation from Healthy Roots Dolls. The girls we serve are going to light up on the birthday when they receive a doll that looks like them. A birthday is a celebration of you….. what makes you unique, special, and important. Zoe embodies self-love and we are so excited to be able to gift her to our birthday recipients.”
We love to give back and look forward to giving to more curlfriends globally in the future. We believe that representation matters and alongside Beverly Birthdays that every child, regardless of personal or financial circumstances, deserves to have a special birthday.
On their very special day, curlfriends will be gifted with a special doll that they will cherish forever. We made Zoe teach girls everywhere to love themselves and their curls. Zoe is the best friend every girl needs. Beverly Birthdays and Healthy Roots Dolls both love creating memorable moments that turn into lifelong memories.
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