Hair Porosity 101: The First Step to Healthy Natural Hair
How do you have a hair regimen if you do not know what your hair needs? Understanding your hair porosity is the first step to creating the hair routine to make your hair flourish.
What is hair porosity?
Hair porosity is your hair’s ability to absorb and retain moisture. There is low, normal, and high porosity hair.

Low Porosity
The hair shaft is smooth with little to no holes. Therefore, the hair is resistant to absorbing moisture. But once the hair receives water, it is locked in, and the hair stays moisturized for an extended time. If you have low porosity hair, it takes a long time to air dry. |
Low Porosity Hair Tips:
Low Porosity Product Recommendations:
Oyin Handmade Detangling Conditioner
Naturall Club Fresh Avocado Deep Conditioner
Camille Rose Moroccan Pear Conditioning Custard
Mielle Organics Babassu Oil & Mint Deep Conditioner
Normal Porosity
Moisture can easily penetrate the hair. The hair also retains moisture without losing it quickly.If you have normal porosity hair, it takes a moderate time to air dry. |
Normal Porosity Hair Tips:
Normal Porosity Product Recommendations:
Naturall Club Thirst Quenching Avocado Moisturizer
Mielle Organics Avocado Moisturizing Hair Milk
Shea Moisture Coconut & Hibiscus Curl Enhancing Smoothie
High Porosity
The hair shaft has a lot of holes. The holes help the hair absorb moisture quickly, but the holes do not seal moisture, so the hair becomes dry fast. If you have high porosity hair, your hair drys quickly. |
High Porosity Hair Tips:
High Porosity Product Recommendations:
Shea Moisture High Porosity Moisture Correct Masque
As I Am Hydration Elation Intensive Conditioner
Shea Moisture Yucca & Plantain Anti-Breakage Strengthening Styling Milk
It is imperative to know your hair porosity because then you can create a hair regimen that provides maximum moisture for your hair. When your hair is hydrated and moisturized often, it is healthy, retains length, and grows faster!
There are multiple ways to figure out your hair porosity. Click here to take the hair porosity quiz.

We love teaching girls how to love and tend to their hair! The first step to loving the curls is growing to its needs, and that is how understanding your porosity helps!
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