Ways to Protect Your Natural Hair in the Winter

Protecting natural hair in the winter is essential because cold air is drying. Which often leads to natural hair breakage. Zoe wrote about her favorite three protective styles for the winter, which keeps her curls poppin. There are alternative ways to protect natural hair without braiding or adding extra hair to your styles. 

Deep condition with heat.

Heat ensures that the product and moisture will enter into the natural hair strands. For low porosity hair, heat when deep conditioning is recommended. Low porosity hair is resistant to absorbing mositire because the hair shaft is smooth with little to no holes. Therefore, the heat opens the pores in the hair shaft. Thus in the winter, adding heat or another layer while deep conditioning will help your hair absorb the moisture. 

Use Satin.

A good quality satin bonnet, satin scarf, satin hat, anything with satin in it that touches your hair in the winter will protect your hair. Satin does not take moisture from your hair. Satin protects your hair from the cold air and other fibers that tend to cause friction and brittleness to natural hair. Click here to read more where Zoe explains the benefits of satin bonnets for your hair

Low manipulation styles that are not braided.

Style your hair in a mini twist, flat twist, low/ high bun, or a combination of the two. Any style that protects and tucks the ends of your natural hair is protecting your natural hair. However, make sure the style is not too tight. In the winter, natural hair already gets dry quicker. Therefore high tension hairstyles with dry hair can lead to more breakage. 


Moisturize your hair.

Make sure your hair is moisturized during the winter months. The LOC or LCO methods are two ways that seal the moisture into your natural hair that are essential to do twice a week during the colder months. It is crucial to add more moisture to your natural hair when it feels dry. Do not wait until your wash day to add moisture. Do not ignore your hair because that will lead to split ends, dry hair, and breakage.  

There are more than just styles that can protect your natural hair in the winter. Pay attention to your ends and if your hair is moisturized or not. These steps will ensure that your hair is protected throughout the cold months.

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